What to Expect
When you contact us to request help we will listen to you and take your details. If we have an SVP group in your area then members of the group will contact you to arrange to visit you. This may take a few weeks. They will seek to understand your problem and to offer you help where they can. We will aim to help you if it is within the local membership's capability. We have groups in over 1,000 locations so will usually be able to help – however we do not have total coverage of England and Wales.
We have strict safeguarding policies and procedures and all visiting members must hold a DBS certificate.
If we are unable to help you because you require specialist advice or we do not have a group in your area we will try our best to signpost you to other organisations that can help.
To process an application, and to be able to put you in touch with your local SVP group, we need your name, address including postcode, and a contact telephone number.
Roughly two to three weeks. Many of our voluntary members work full or part-time at other jobs and local SVP groups have their meetings at different times.
We are generally unable to respond to requests for help of this nature. The application process usually takes about two to three weeks. However we will try to help you if we possibly can.
Depending on their resources, local groups can offer help with befriending/visiting, clothing, food, furniture, debt counselling or transport. We do not normally provide financial help but this depends on the capacity of the local group.
We are not a specialist homeless charity. Our members visit beneficiaries at home to assess their needs. We can provide help by giving information about specialist homeless charities.
We cannot give out these numbers. Our local groups meet up in various locations, usually in local churches. All applications for help must come via national office.
We are not a grant giving organisation. However the local group, when the members visit you, may be able to offer limited financial assistance for specific needs, depending on their local capacity.
No. We help everyone. You do not need to be Catholic or of any religion at all.