Our governance

The St Vincent de Paul Society (England & Wales) is a registered charity, number 1053992 and incorporated as a limited liability company, Company Number: 3174679. It is governed by its Articles of Association, supported by National Statutes, as well as following the Rule of the international Confederation of the St Vincent de Paul Society.

Aims & Activities

The objective of the Charity is the relief of poverty, both material and emotional in England & Wales and abroad through: the person to person involvement of its voluntary members engaged in befriending and through 'Special Works,' which are projects established to address specific needs in the local community.

Articles of Association

The Articles of Association describe the Society’s objects, guarantees, powers and their limitation. They define “Membership” of the Company (i.e. National Council) and describe the governance processes, including how changes and decisions are made.

National Statutes

The National Statutes provide the framework for the governance and operation of the Society. Detailed management of the Society’s affairs are covered in relevant Policies and Procedures, which should be treated as a part of the Rule.

International Rule

The first International Rule was introduced in 1835 and is regularly reviewed and updated by International Council General.  Supported by the International Statutes, which include the requirements for National Councils to draft their own statutes, which Council General must approve.

Gender pay gap report 

Organisations with 250 or more paid staff are required by law to carry out Gender Pay Reporting under the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017. As of April 2020, the SVP was included in this category, therefore this was the first year this was reported.

We can use these results to assess:

  • the levels of gender equality in our workplace
  • the balance of male and female employees at different levels
  • how effectively talent is being maximised and rewarded

Please see the full workforce data report below which specifies our current situation, how we intend to tackle our gender pay gap and our next steps.

2023 - Median pay gap -1.54%   Read the full report


2022 - Median pay gap - 1.52% Read the full report


2021 - Median pay gap -5.4%   Read the full report


2020 - Median pay gap 2%       Read the full report