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Meet some of our supporters

  • carousel image
    Join the SVP as together we mark the year of Jubilee, coming together and being Pilgrims of Hope. Our Pope be... Year of Jubilee 2025: Being a Pilgrim of Hope ,
    Staff Member
  • Images of people
    CAFOD and SVP unites young people from across England and Wales for a week-long experience.... Young people unite for week-long charity experience in London ,
    SVP Volunteer
  • Earlier this year Salford Diocese released some figures which said in the Salford Diocese there were living in... Pam ,
    SVP Member
  • David Allman is a Friend of the SVP, making regular donations to support our work with explains why he chose I... David ,
    Could you become a Friend of the SVP like David?
  • Beth is a Friend of the SVP, making a regular contribution to support our work.Inspired by her local SVP, why... Beth ,
    Can you donate or give some of your time like Beth has?
  • Miriam, president of Birmingham University SVP 1833, had always been aware of the SVP, but it wasn’t started... Miriam ,
    SVP Member
    Being a member allows you to carry out the essential face-to-face work SVP do.
  • Following rehabilitation for drug and alcohol addiction, Nick decided that he wanted to volunteer to says with... Nick ,
    SVP Volunteer
    Become a volunteer and help the SVP change lives

Meet some of our supporters

  • carousel image
    Join the SVP as together we mark the year of Jubilee, coming together and being Pilgrims of Hope. Our Pope be... Year of Jubilee 2025: Being a Pilgrim of Hope ,
    Staff Member
  • Images of people
    CAFOD and SVP unites young people from across England and Wales for a week-long experience.... Young people unite for week-long charity experience in London ,
    SVP Volunteer
  • Earlier this year Salford Diocese released some figures which said in the Salford Diocese there were living in... Pam ,
    SVP Member
  • David Allman is a Friend of the SVP, making regular donations to support our work with explains why he chose I... David ,
    Could you become a Friend of the SVP like David?
  • Beth is a Friend of the SVP, making a regular contribution to support our work.Inspired by her local SVP, why... Beth ,
    Can you donate or give some of your time like Beth has?
  • Miriam, president of Birmingham University SVP 1833, had always been aware of the SVP, but it wasn’t started... Miriam ,
    SVP Member
    Being a member allows you to carry out the essential face-to-face work SVP do.
  • Following rehabilitation for drug and alcohol addiction, Nick decided that he wanted to volunteer to says with... Nick ,
    SVP Volunteer
    Become a volunteer and help the SVP change lives