"Adore, Pray and Go". Vincentians should share God’s love with action and service - Pope Francis's message to the Global Vincentian Family, given at his Audience in St Peter's Square on Saturday 14th October, attended by 10,000 pilgrims, including a contingent from SVP England and Wales.
In both his Audience and an Apostolic Message, Pope Francis held up St Vincent's example and leadership and affirmed their enduring relevance for today: "He encourages us to give time and space to persons who are poor, to those suffering from the new forms of poverty of our time, to the too many people living in poverty today and to make their thoughts and difficulties our own.
A Christianity without contact with people who suffer becomes a disincarnated Christianity, unable to touch the flesh of Christ. Encounter persons who are poor and give poor persons a voice so that our culture focused on the ephemeral does not reduce their presence to silence".
The full text of the Pope's address given at the Audience is available from the FamVin website and the Apostolic Message is available here.
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