If you’re missing the opportunity to go to church to light a candle and pray for an intention, here is a beautiful alternative: you can now Light a Candle here on this website for any cause of your choice – a loved one, the victims of Covid-19, NHS workers or even yourself.
Visit the Light a Candle page, simply click the button as directed and a flickering candle will appear on the page for your chosen intention. Gradually, over time, it will burn down, just like a real candle, and when it finally goes out you can light a new candle if you wish.
You can light as many candles as you like, and each time you light one you will be invited to make an optional donation which will go towards supporting the SVP’s work to help people in need. It’s up to you whether you make a donation or not and how much you give, but rest assured the money will go to a worthwhile cause.
There is a long tradition in the Christian faith of people lighting candles to symbolise the light of Christ. Lighted candles are reflections of our emotional self and help to illuminate our hearts when we feel burdened.
During the current coronavirus crisis many Christians are missing the opportunity to find peace and serenity in church, praying for their chosen intention and lighting a candle to symbolise that prayer. But now they can find a small place of spiritual calm on the SVP website.