Today marks the feast of of Saint Nicholas whose life is well worth celebrating and honouring. His generosity of spirit, care of the poor, and services of worship, we are together inspired by his faith.
Saint Nicholas was the patron Saint of children. And so it is fitting, on his feast day, to highlight the incredible work of the SVP’s Young people. who pursue their mission in faith through actions of love and kindness and generosity, in giving their time and talents.
The Young Vincentians programmes take the ethos and values of the SVP and offer a path for a generation of youngsters to follow, from Mini Vinnies in primary schools, to the Youth SVP of secondary schools and on to the young adults aged 18 to 35.
Across England and Wales, a new generation are entering into the Vincentian family and are turning their concern into action wherever they feel they can have impact. A true and faithful follower of Christ, Saint Nicholas lived the words of Jesus to, “sell what you own and give money to the poor.” As a young person in the SVP, these words are something which can be followed in the mission of helping anyone in need. Through bake sales, selling old toys, donating unused clothes, the young people are paving their own way to help those in need.
At this Feast of Saint Nicholas, we hope to bring attention to the work of the young people in the SVP and shine a light on the generosity and kindness that they each represent and value from a young age. They are part of a life-changing, safe and supportive environment which helps each young individual grow positively.
One example of the incredible work of our Youth services, is St Cuthbert’s First School Berwick spreading joy through their Mini Vinnie programme. The local group visited residents at Abbeyfield Bankhill House after school, with their mission to spread some joy. Some stories were read, songs were sang, and some Scottish dance moves were shared too. The residents thoroughly enjoyed the visit and the Mini Vinnie group hope to visit again soon.
Should you know a school which would benefit from a Mini Vinnie group or know a young adult who follows the SVP’s mission of seeking those in need and offering practical support and assistance, then please signpost them to our website on how to get involved. - : https://svp.org.uk/involve-young-people. It would be the perfect way to mark the feast of a special saint.