Help by Donating

Can you help us reach more people in need by making a monetary donation? Any donation, big or small, will enable us to continue our vital services in the Sheffield community. 

Donate now

Other ways to help

A contribution no matter how small helps us to keep St Vincent’s Sheffield Furniture Store running and to serve the local community.

There are several ways that you can contribute and help us help those in need during this unprecedented time.

If you are able to and would like, please visit our Just Giving page. Any contribution no matter how small can help make a big difference to someone’s life. 

Purple JustGiving donate now logo






Our Amazon wish list to helps us to ensure we have the stock we need to deliver the essential furnitureand household items the people we support need to make a home. Please consider purchasing from our wishlist and make a direct contribution to our deliveries. 

Amazon wishlist logo



Legacies & Memorium

Leave a Legacy to the SVP and help the Furniture Project continue our important work.

Making a Will is an important way of ensuring that your money is used in the way you would wish it to be when you are no longer here. A Will can help you provide for your loved ones, pay less inheritance tax, ensure organisations which you support in your lifetime continue to benefit in the future.

Charities such as the St Vincent’s Furniture Store rely on legacies as a source of income.
In your Will, you are able to specify how any legacy you wish to leave to the St Vincent’s Furniture Store should be spent.

In Memoriam Donations

Donations given in memory of loved one ensure that the Furniture Store can continue in its mission to help those most in need. In Memoriam donations can be made in place of flowers at a funeral, or to commemorate a special day such as a birthday or anniversary. Such a donation is a wonderful tribute to anyone who supported the Furniture Store in their lifetime.

Find out more about Legacy Giving.