South Sudan gained independence in 2011 after years of civil war, making it the world's newest country - and one of its poorest. 2.4 million people are displaced and 6.2 million are in urgent need of assistance.
The work of local SVP groups in South Sudan includes running baby feeding centres which feed hundreds of children a week, providing free life-saving medical treatment at SVP medical centres, and offering vocational training for young people to help them learn a trade.
Can you help create hope for the future for people in South Sudan? Your donation can help fund these critical SVP projects that bring hope and peace into lives torn apart by war.
Support our work in South Sudan

2,800 adults trained through our vocational training scheme over the last 5 years
700 children fed nutritous meals at our baby feeding centres each week
13,000 free medical treatments and medication provided at our health care centres a year
6000 refugees - mostly women and children - are provided with essential rations at a camp for Internally Displaced Persons.
A Vocational training programme helps young adults learn a trade and find a pathway out of poverty, while supporting their family and local communities. Courses in adult literacy, building and construction, animal husbandry, medicine and engineering are enabling a new generation to develop skills and slowly rebuild their nation.
The “Be in Hope” home in Juba, South Sudan provides a sanctuary for 15 orphan children and young adults who have suffered from hunger or violence, and who are often preyed upon by gangs and armed militias. The idea for the home came from young people who fled the conflict in Khartoum where they themselves had been supported by the SVP.
Your contribution, of whatever value, to our Sudan and South Sudan appeal will help the SVP continue its life-saving work in South Sudan.
We are so encouraged to know that we are not alone or forgotten. Please accept our wholehearted gratitude for your concern about the situation here in South Sudan and the safety of the Vincentian family and members in our country.
Dr Betram Kuol, Programme Manager, SVP South Sudan