Photos of Camp
  • "My holiday was so memorable, there wasn’t a dull moment. My leader taught me to have confidence in myself no matter what."
  • "The best thing was working together with new friends.” 
  • "I love going to camp. It’s my favourite holiday. It’s awesome!”
What to bring?

Mobile phones (smart watches and similar) are not allowed on camp. If your child does bring a mobile phone this will be stored safely and returned to the child upon their return to the drop off point, where they are returned to their parent/carer.   

How can I contact Camp?

We will ALWAYS call you in case of emergency. If you do not hear from us then you should assume that your child is happy and having a fantastic time at camp. 

We discourage regular phone contact as it is usually the main cause of homesickness. We are very experienced in dealing with this issue and if a child is distressed, we will make sure they contact you.

As part of the application process, we request details of parents/guardians, any communication with the camp is restricted to these named individuals.


For the safety of the children in our care, we adhere to strict guidelines when handling all medications at camp. All camp staff handling medication during the week are First Aid qualified. 

Please make sure all prescribed medication being sent to camp for your child is in its original packaging.

The original packaging must;

  • identify the person the medication is prescribed for
  • display the name of the medication,
  • display the dosage and the frequency of administration.

This information will be displayed on the label detailing the pharmacist who issued the medication.

Medications that may have been prescribed for your child just before the are due to come to camp, such as antibiotics, will be accepted by our First Aid Lead, providing all of the above requirements are fulfilled, in regards to the packaging of these medications.

We are unable to accept any over the counter bought medication for your child, under any circumstance. Please do not try and give these to any of our Weekly First Aiders as they will be unable to accept them.

Medication Handover

We need to collect all prescribed medication from parents/carers upon arrival at the drop off point before your child gets onto their bus. Do not pack your child’s prescribed medication in their suitcase. Each week has a designated First Aid Lead and a Second First Aid Lead. All prescribed medication must be handed over to the designated first aid leads, parents/carers will be required to sign a handover form at this point. All prescribed medication will be transported to camp by the First Aid Leads. Children will only be allowed to carry prescribed medication with them if they have been instructed to do so by their GP. For example, an inhaler.

Any prescribed medications left over at the end of your child’s week will be handed back to parent/carers on their return, by the First Aid Leads.

We reserve the right to refuse to take your child with us to camp if our rules for prescribed medication handover are not followed.